A first essential step: verify that you are not stuck to the Bank of France
Why this essential step?
Because at the trial of any application for credit, the lender examines systematically the national register of incidents of repayment of loans to individuals ( FICP ), managed by the Banque de France, to to check if the applicant is registered or not.
This file has been created by the Act of 31 December 1989 on the prevention and resolution of problems related to over-indebtedness of individuals and families, is supplied by credit agencies, banks and financial services of the Post people who register for an incident which occurred in the repayment of a loan (he meant by "credit" a bank overdraft, a deferred payment card or a credit repayable in installments).
Before enrollment, the lender must notify, by mail, the defaulter will be entered in that FICP and it has a period of one month to rectify its payment incident.
How do I approach this?
You can tell if you're stuck in FICP , by which agency and for what reason, by visiting any branch of the Banque de France provided with an ID. •
first assumption: you are stuck in FICP
In this case, refer to the description of the operation of FICP attached to verify that your registration is valid.
If you disagree with your inclusion in the FICP , the approach to the organization that is responsible for registration, asking for explanations and discharge (cancellation) of that entry.
If you do not get satisfaction, you can enter the National Commission on Informatics and Freedoms by mail ( 21 rue Saint Guillaume - 75340 PARIS Cedex 07 ) by providing all relevant documentation so that it intervenes , if any, with the body that you entered in FICP . Be aware that
CNIL does has no jurisdiction to make an assessment of the amount of the claim that your claim is claimed. The sole mission of the CNIL is to verify that the conditions for registration are met FICP (nature of the payment incident, date and terms of registration).
• second assumption: you are not stuck in FICP
You're not stuck in FICP but you were denied credit and want an explanation.
Know, first, that no text does a lender to provide the grounds for denial of credit. It is not required to explain the reason that led him to deny you credit. Indeed, there is no right to credit in France and the lender has complete freedom whether to grant credit to a person (Article 1101 Civil Code).
You have, however, some ways to get information on what could be a result of stuck to the Bank of France or prohibits bank . .
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