Hey, Good
here after spending two weeks with the brothers, I was visiting a friend for about two weeks too .. So I was very much a little busy .. (You'll have photos soon-now) But I'm back
So what can I tell you?! ..
I have many new friends made in meetings with my visitors, so I just abandoned my old friends! But I'm catching up with the shot:-o
I think (not to jinx myself) have very very soon tite a serious girlfriend! (Finally).
(So it's not Sally or Marina .. Who I almost touch).
Hum .. I sintered with roommate last month and we hear about it slowly but it is not!
summer begins it's really hot! But this is just the beginning ..! The cool thing are the BBQs which are organized almost everywhere. I attended my first (finally a real one) last weekend. So near a river at a place where people gather bcp, you get to make bbq next to each other, doused with alcohol biensur .. You find yourself chatting with neighbors / neighbors very easily, is super nice. Many people in yukata (traditional dress so), girls are super nice with it! (Indeed Arnaud, my brother bought one for his girlfriend in Switzerland, it fits him too well!)
And in the evening they light a few fireworks, I love this atmosphere:) Roll on next
! (Will try to find me a yukata .. story ..)
I take this opportunity to share with you a song I like bcp and talking about this season; D
Otherwise there I seriously research a school for learning Japanese seriously. (Yes it very seriously serious) And my future
helps a little in my personal learning.
What else .. Oh I have a bike! I'd say maybe not. So I am going to Ikebukuro bike which allows me to think the last train when I go to Bukuro. What is good practice. From Ikebukuro Station to my front door so I though I pedal for less than 15min. So as soon as the train, it costs me nothing, I leave when I want, I do not wait .. it makes me do some sport .. But why do I not buy one before? :-O
So I'm back!
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