workshops offered in November 2009 and CROP theme of Christmas.
Here are some new courses added to the agenda. These projects are not courses that require photos.
Course to make a diary 8 1 / 2 x 11:
- Wednesday evening, November 18th 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- Price: $ 15 + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people
Course schedule:
- yesterday noon on November 7 from 13:00 to 16:00
- Price: $ 20 + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people
Course schedule ahead (box with drawer for small to surprises):
- Saturday afternoon November 21 from 3:00 p.m. 13h00à
- Price: $ 15 + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people
Course Banner Christmas
- Saturday afternoon November 28th from 13:00 to
3:00 p.m. - Price: 15 $ + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people
Course Christmas cards:
- Monday afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Dates: November 23 (ink alcohol), November 30 (peel -off), 7 December (distress ink) and 14 December (embossing and shiny)
- Prices: Single course: $ 28 + tx materials included
Block 4 classes: $ 100 + tx materials included
- 2 cards per course
- Maximum 8 people
Course Christmas cards:
- Thursday evening from 19:00 to 21h0
- Dates: November 19 (ink alcohol), Nov 26 (peel-off), Dec. 3 (distress ink ) and 10 December (embossing and shiny)
- Prices: Single course: $ 28 + tx materials included
Block 4 classes: $ 100 + tx materials included
- 2 cards per course
- Maximum 3 entries
We organize a scrapbooking day (CROP) November 14, 2009
Hours: 10AM to midnight (not required, opening and closing hours for information)
Location: school gym Sacred Heart at the Valleyfield
included: - 3 mini courses (13.30) (16.00) (19.00)
- the animation (prize drawing for participants)
- The shop on site (cash only and closes around 23:00 )
- Surprise Bag (value $ 5 +)
- Raffle prizes
- Dinner (cold buffet)
- Drinks and snacks
Price: $ 40 + tx paid in cash (including taxes if you pay before 7 November 09)
Number of seats: 50 seats max (priority to people who paid)
Theme: Christmas (those who arrive with a Santa Hat will have a draw ticket for a prize).
NB The theme is in line with the mini courses will be offered. For what is your personal scrapbooking, you do the topics of your choice)
BONUS: If you have already participated in one of our days scrapbooking and you sign a person is never coming, you get a
voucher of $ 10 (valid only on November 14).
For information 450-373-0126 Hope to see you!
Caroline Labelle and Marjolaine Labelle propiétaire