Monday, November 2, 2009

Clarinet Fingering Flash

workshops offered in November 2009 and CROP theme of Christmas.

Here are some new courses added to the agenda. These projects are not courses that require photos.

Course to make a diary 8 1 / 2 x 11:
- Wednesday evening, November 18th 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- Price: $ 15 + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people

Course schedule:
- yesterday noon on November 7 from 13:00 to 16:00
- Price: $ 20 + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people

Course schedule ahead (box with drawer for small to surprises):
- Saturday afternoon November 21 from 3:00 p.m. 13h00à
- Price: $ 15 + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people

Course Banner Christmas
- Saturday afternoon November 28th from 13:00 to
3:00 p.m. - Price: 15 $ + tx more materials
- Maximum 6 people

Course Christmas cards:
- Monday afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Dates: November 23 (ink alcohol), November 30 (peel -off), 7 December (distress ink) and 14 December (embossing and shiny)
- Prices: Single course: $ 28 + tx materials included
Block 4 classes: $ 100 + tx materials included
- 2 cards per course
- Maximum 8 people

Course Christmas cards:
- Thursday evening from 19:00 to 21h0
- Dates: November 19 (ink alcohol), Nov 26 (peel-off), Dec. 3 (distress ink ) and 10 December (embossing and shiny)
- Prices: Single course: $ 28 + tx materials included
Block 4 classes: $ 100 + tx materials included
- 2 cards per course
- Maximum 3 entries

We organize a scrapbooking day (CROP) November 14, 2009

Hours: 10AM to midnight (not required, opening and closing hours for information)
Location: school gym Sacred Heart at the Valleyfield
included: - 3 mini courses (13.30) (16.00) (19.00)
- the animation (prize drawing for participants)
- The shop on site (cash only and closes around 23:00 )
- Surprise Bag (value $ 5 +)
- Raffle prizes
- Dinner (cold buffet)
- Drinks and snacks
Price: $ 40 + tx paid in cash (including taxes if you pay before 7 November 09)
Number of seats: 50 seats max (priority to people who paid)
Theme: Christmas (those who arrive with a Santa Hat will have a draw ticket for a prize).
NB The theme is in line with the mini courses will be offered. For what is your personal scrapbooking, you do the topics of your choice)
BONUS: If you have already participated in one of our days scrapbooking and you sign a person is never coming, you get a
voucher of $ 10 (valid only on November 14).

For information 450-373-0126 Hope to see you!
Caroline Labelle and Marjolaine Labelle propiétaire


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