Warren said ...
Far above the clouds stands out like Mount Olympus, a peak rochailleux insurmountable. Was at its peak filed by the gods, a sacred dwelling where the best writers COMICS live, drink and tell crap keeping an eye on Twitter. Among those divine men, a bearded man with steely gaze sends thanks to the messenger that is modern electricity, small pieces of his immense knowledge in the abyssal void of our existence by regulating emissions of REAL TV and other RTT. WARREN ELLIS
knows everything. You will have to do. and if by some miracle, there is a subject he does not know he knows where to find information neccéssaire in record time.
WARREN shows regularly on what he works, how it affects his life and his sanity. We silent witnesses (yes, it has to close the comments) that eager to know voulont learn what happens in outer space (the real one from NASA) or the film rights to "RED", have not changed his life, but her daughter who now has a new friend, a pony, "... buy my books, this pony eats like a whale and I'm having gargantuan bills for years".
This time, Warren shows us on which software it turns lead into gold and how not to lose everything (as it happened a few years ago) when BACK UP your precious will burst. "Never trust your backup, she always betray you. My daughter wanted to put a copy of all my important files on a USB UBS and ... we have never seen ... "
WARREN tells us how. And you would do well to listen to Warren, he's always right.
'll see HERE and you'll have a better life.
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