24 h August 2009
Regulars Fisheries night met the wee-kend from August 22 to 23.
Like other contest is still night that the classification was established because the majority of catches are staggered between 22h and 6 am. At 9 am Sunday
end of the competition 14 teams have completed 860 of 293 Kg for 38 carp fish.
9 teams ranked and five covers
1 st team Cottard / Zoller the post 13 with 9 sockets for 67 Kg 370
2 nd Mauris / Mauris ext 980 for 16 with 6 outlets 52Kg
3 rd Arnoux / Thernier ext 17 with 47kg for 5 frames
4 th Lefay / Lavielle the post 8 with 41 Kg 520 for 7 outlets
5 th Doucet / Lambolley in Item 6 of 36 kg and 210 for 4 fish that is still our young Robin realizes that the best love making with a carp of 13 kg, 160 (ah. .. he loves loves is his age ........ lol .)
6 th Lambert / weaver at station 10 with 17 kg 540 for 3 doses
7 th Cegogne / Gavoille the post 14 with 12 kg 850 for 2 sockets
8 th Lemordant / Maestre the post 12 with 12 kg 370 for 2 fish
9 th Small / small office at 4 with 1 plug 6Kg 020
Thanks all and go fishing for the next Saturday, September 19.
24 h June 2009
is under the sun as 11 teams competed at the 3rd contest carp of the year. During these 24 hours the fish was at the rendezvous, 61 taken to 461 Kg 840. All teams took the fish and the young Robin Doucet 15 years even beat record of the pond a quarter of an hour before the end of the race with a carp 19Kg Love 940. Bravo Robin.
It was during the night that the team Cottard - Zoller to post 8 has won with 16 outlets for 113 Kg 620
2 nd Alexander - Lavielle the post 14 with 11 outlets 85 Kg to 070 3 rd
Lambert - Weaver 9 taken at station 3 for 63 Kg 560
Lamboley 4 th - 8 outlets Salvi 54 kg 810 5 th
Doucet - Weaver 5 carp for 53 Kg 100 whose best taken
6 th Piquard - carp 3 Laporte 19 Kg 730 7 th
Mauris - Mauris 2 carp 19 kg 510 8 th
Small - Small (young team) 2 830 18 kg carp
9 th Petit - Petit 1 carp 7 Kg 210
10 th Pheulpin - Faucquenoy a socket 6 kg 720
Uncategorized Brossard - Dirant 19 Kg 730 with three carp
You are given an appointment for the next contest (24 pm) August 22, 2009
Awards by the President and Secretary
48 h May 2009
Under a scorching heat that took place Friday, May 22 to 48 hours of fishing, all positions were occupied for a total of 17 teams. After a very promising first day for some teams, the carp began to spawn and departures were spaced in time. Sunday at noon at the end of the contest results were very close, 13 ranked teams and 4 covers a total weight of 423 Kg 130
1 st Mauris - Mauris the post 16 with 9 sockets for a weight of 72,290 kg
2 nd Romary - Lepaul at station 17 with 7 carp to 57,860 Kg
3 rd Cottard - Zoller at station 3 with 7 outlets and a weight of 57,690 kg
4 th Cottard (son) - Doucet at position 15, only young team with 6 catches recorded for 55,070 kg of which the best decision a town of 11 920 kg 5 th
Gerbers - Paquelet in Item 6 with 6 carp to 50,120 Kg
6 th Aristidini - Ulrich 4 sockets to item 8 with 30,940 kg
7 th Lambert - Weaver 3 carp to 26,190 Kg
8 th Robert - 4 sockets Seimpère 24,880 Kg
9 th Aubry - Joubin carp 3 18 940 Kg 10 th
Segogne - Chatillon 2 carp 11,270 Kg
Bilquey 11 th - 1 carp Pheulpin 9600 Kg
12 th Simon - Weaver 5610 Kg
13th Arnoux - 2670 Kg Thernier
24 hours in April 2009
The first competition attracted 13 teams of carpists for 24 hours fishing. The carp were very suspicious day but the morning nine teams were classified with 27 taken to a total weight of 210.540 kg. Despite the low temperatures of the night the results were satisfactory.
1 st Mauris - Mauris the post 15 with 8 outlets and a weight of 70,560 kg of which the best decision that displayed on the 14,920 kg load cell
2 nd Cottard - Zoller at station 10 with 6 carp to 40,820 Kg
3 rd the formidable team Arnoux - Thernier the post with 4 outlets 8 which showed a weight of 34,380 kg
4 th Aubry - Zuliani 3 outlets for 27,700 Kg
5 th Lambert - Weaver 1 carp to 10,160 Kg
6 th Piquard - Laporte 1 socket 9300 Kg
7 th Mougeot - kauffman 1 socket 7440 Kg
8 th Robert - Seimpère 1 taken 9 th 6420 Kg
Aristidini - Ulrich 1 socket 3760 Kg
Thanks and congratulations to all for your participation and for good atmosphere.
Next competition May 22 (48).
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