I understand, it's the same in France. The sun begins to point the nose! Yesterday you could not walk around with a jacket, so it was good. Today
a bit like that, I enjoy myself for a walk with Sir Nao around the apartment. (Without taking photos .. .. aoutch)
Otherwise I have not seen the lovely Malina: D But we are regularly contacted by kmail (I invent this word will mean keitai mail oki?: P until the day will give me the real name of this type of mail) .. The next exit
should be done in a French restaurant, Le Bretagne (easy name: p) in a rather chic neighborhood of Tokyo. Do not worry for my wallet, it's a pancake. Ok Tokyo is more expensive, but it's still a very affordable kitchen:)
Malina has never been in a French restaurant .. So why ptite creperie, certainly it is nothing extraordinary personal but I always liked to eat there:) Oh
would otherwise mr Nao came home late last night .. 23h to be a good mother and not seeing him come home .. I send a kmail to ask if he found a girl not to be already back and in perfect French, he sent me "You know what?! Yes!".
I was both happy with the form and substance of his message hehe! Some
Sally who was sitting next to him at ...?? So then? or? And yes avid reader of this blog at Starbucks: p.. In
t hear you talk about that later .. A follow ^ _ ^
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