Monday, October 20, 2008

Diablo Comment Configurer D2nt Bot

Stuck to the Bank of France

Fiché the Bank of France

You asked for a credit card payment in several installments, with or without charge, or an overdraft on your account.
This or these requests were denied, and you think that you or denials arise because you are listed in a file bank of France.
is possible but not certain.


This practical guide has been developed to target of answer any questions you might have after such a ban bank or stuck to the Bank of France , tracked, the Bank of France or store file that France You have been opposed by a credit institution, a bank or financial services the Post Office.
To help you determine whether your name is, or is not in a file
"deadbeat" or a non-payment, this handy guide tell you your rights and the various things you can do for the exercise.


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