Monday, October 20, 2008

Oxygnating Toothpaste

What FICP file? In short

The F ile National I ncidents reimbursement C REDITS to P rivate identifies people who have difficulties in repaying a Credit they were infected, including when credit consists of an overdraft. It is implemented by the Bank of France and its existence is provided by articles L. 333-4 and L.333-5 of the Consumer Code. Its operation is set by Regulation No. 90-05 as amended, the committee of banking regulation.
What is the FICP?
credit agencies, banks and financial services of the Post interview the FICP each time a person applies for a credit. If the person is stuck, the credit will be denied in principle.
When are enrolled in the FICP?
If you are the author of a payment incident characterized. Consisting of such persons:
Who did not pay two consecutive monthly payments on their credit or are receivable in the amount of twice monthly, followed by Justice for failure to pay or when there is an event of default after notice fruitless liable to pay a sum of 500 € from more than 60 days and have not responded to a notice of their creditor who filed a debt distress after the Bank of France who has been declared admissible.
Who can register a person in the FICP?
credit agencies, banks and creditors, financial services of La Poste, and the debt commission of the Bank of France for those who are the subject of proceedings for a debt.
What information is included in the FICP?
The name, date and place of birth of debtor, the nature of the payment incident, the name of the organization which carried out the registration and the date of cancellation of registration.

Who can access information stored in the FICP?
credit agencies
Banking institutions Financial services

When information they are removed from FICP?
soon stabilize debt, otherwise on expiry of a period of 5 years in case of procedure indebtedness, at the expiration of a period of 10 years or upon full settlement of debts to all creditors listed in the plan or decision.
Where a person must apply it to exercise its right of access to data relating which would be recorded in the FICP?
from any counter of the Bank of France, provided an identity document. It is not given a copy of the registration to the person stuck . This rule is intended to protect individuals listed on FICP avoiding that can develop the practice of "certificates of credit." Information
people stuck
Before enrollment in FICP , people should be put on notice to rectify the payment incident and have one month to do so.


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