Saturday, December 11, 2010

Metronidazole Trich Symptoms Disappear

more ...

... I could tell you about ALAN MOORE for hours, not great literary influences he has screwed up in his comics (I'm an idiot, so they are not) but him. ALAN, the best comic book writer in the world is not my words, then you can believe it.
(I wonder what comic book store, there is a display with GIANT Tintin and Asterix ... just a detail ... it all)

Some cartoonists COMICS or (for the manga, I miss stories ... sorry) are tremendous artists but in real life, no supports them ... mmm ... what? FRANK MILLER WHO said?
Well, it's not the same with Moore. The examples are legion even during festivals where you parked like sardines in these pagan temples of consumerism and uninhibited in the guise of a religious holiday, you move you take the last iPAD to fill it with the latest digital Bede LUCKY LUKE. Well, I'll wait my version of TWO iPAD, just to be Certan it does not explode on your knees (what? Who said MAC G4 CUBE or iPhone). What does Moore while you wait in line? it He

Father Christmas with his royalties from his new magazine Dodgem LOGIC. I almost cried. And if you want to know what the other writers are successful with their royalties ... go to their blogs ... I think that machine will be delivered the 3 rd car and stuff a new ukulele ... HA! It is NUMERO UNO ... or not. It is not a genius because you're a normal guy. Moore has strong views on things. He knows how to do his job ... and probably also yours. He has repeatedly revolutionized the comic book world until the tape comes as crap table in front of his door he can not longer push. Her relationship with history
DC COMICS is a complicated ... that I'll make a post dedicated only later. But we will say for short, and say he has not had much luck, but he was often right, and it is for me the most important.

When COMICS was populated with creatures of unfathomable stupidity living in worlds where the good guys are regularly attacked by villains (like this reminds me something ...) Alan Moore decided to move the line of battle. Probably to ensure they did not die of boredom in force again boring characters who live like rain undermined as clow on adventures that could write in his sleep that will eventually printed on a newspaper for an audience of kids who are 300 vocabulary words ... MOORE
decides to give a big kick in the anthill. He knows that the medium has never really grown up comic and that everything remains to be done. EISNER proved that the potential is infinite. He is fortunate to have all the key positions at the time a good band of gifted artists as past and to measure key positions publishers.
A new generation of bankable authors realize they can make a difference and make presion for more the last word on the themes and artistic choices in their work. MOORE dark already for years in this direction. V FOR VENDETTA was already in 1982 in the journal WARRIOR (UK), a powerful work alone, she assured the reputation MOORE.

Moore did all he could to bring the COMICS to become adult. From the mid 80s to mid 90s. Themes more adult, more upscale format, your more violent, sexual references and political ... brief that cool stuff.

Then when it became the norm ... he engaged in the production of ABC COMICS which was the launching of satirical stories served by a modern narrative (TOP TEN PROMETHEA, etc ...)
So he once again got it before anyone else what was going to look like the following decade COMICS. After torturing kind SUPER HERO in every sense, he created a new kind of hero is once again in the past that he drew his inspiration.
# V FOR VENDETTA> Guy Fawkes
LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN EXTRAORDINNARY> all the heroes of the nineteenth century. LOST GIRLS #
> all girls stories ... With

LEAGUE, MOORE hit their peak, the design COMICS stories up, everything is perfect. The most cultured of you enjoy the game of clever references, the most stupid of us to play everything. When DC COMICS décice purchase Wildstorm, they do that for 3 reasons> JIM LEE (later co-director 10 years later), the studio that makes digital color development and ... ALAN MOORE although it had decided never to work for them, due to problems related to rights of WATCHMEN.

MOORE who does not want to unemployment authors with whom they work (they do not receive a monthly big check royalty of WATCHMEN ... them). So Moore resigns with DC COMICS but this time he has carte blanche, they leave him alone ... but someone at Warner LINE think would make a good SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER. Finally, here is how the long and painful rape of all the works of Alan Moore ... with the palm of the bad taste of FROM HELL Hughes bros. and of course LXG and V FOR VENDETTA (for the guys MATRIX ... brrrr it's cold in the back ... even if I honteusment liked it, my brain blocking the flow of memories about the original work. .. during the projection)

MOORE, who has his little characters, and has done some stuff in rehearsal by DC COMICS decides to address itself to the future of the league and he gives us the second adventure of the League or on the bottom of WAR OF THE WORLDS (HG Wells) Moore destroyed his idols. And in the process, he broke definitively from DC COMICS / AOL / Time Warner to sign with an independent real this time: TOP SHELF. But before we cross MOORE offers us his fans HARD CORE: BLACK DOSSIER. A graphic novel in the purest sense.

MOORE seems to raise the twentieth century at its own pace, in TOP SHELF can be seen in July 2011 announced for this>>>

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol III): Century #2 - 1969

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol. III): Century # 2-1969

MOORE When you no longer seems to surprise you, you released a new thing that nails you to your chair. His review appears to be completely Dodgem LOGIC crazy. MOORE takes care, helped with lads of his city Northhampton. And guess who took care of the cover illustration of Dodgem LOGIC # 3?

Mmm ... look more closely at the credit ... ALAN MOORE. Rhoooo Pitaine ET as he draws better than a pack of guys who want us to believe they are pros !!!!! I

does not use the word genius often. ORSON WELLES was right. After I dunno ... There

sent messengers to persuade Moore to make a prequel to Watchmen, they promised him they would put their best talents on the spot. Moore told them " What better talent? And if they are as good as you say, should they not produce the original material rather than chasing a book I wrote 20 years ago ... ? "BOOM BOOM BOOM ...

You do not become the best writer in the world by chance.

bonus, MOORE WATCHMEN reads a passage and gives us a glimpse of what he thought was the voice of RORCHACK. enjoy!


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